Welcome to the world of Java programming! Programming languages enable humans to write instructions that a computer can perform.

Basic terminologies in Java 

1. Class: The class is a blueprint (plan) of the instance of a class (object). It can be defined as a template that describes the data and behavior associated with its instance.

 Example: Blueprint of the house is class.

 2. Object: The object is an instance of a class. It is an entity that has behavior and state. Example: A car is an object whose states are: brand, color, and number plate.

 Behavior: Running on the road. 

3. Method: The behavior of an object is the method.

 Example: The fuel indicator indicates the amount of fuel left in the car.

 4. Instance variables: Every object has its own unique set of instance variables. The state of an object is generally created by the values that are assigned to these instance variables.

 Example: Steps to compile and run a java program in a console javac GFG.java java GFG

javac GFG.java
java GFG
public class GFG {
	public static void main(String[] args)

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